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Eliminate Costly Hiring Mistakes with These 4 Solutions

Chronological Interview Interviews Hiring Methods Hiring Process selection methodology Jun 16, 2021 12:00:00 AM Topgrading Team %

View the webinar on HR.com Recruiting and selecting the kind of talent that can assure success takes know-how, practice, and discipline – and an ATS alone won’t solve the problem.   Whose fault is it that you have so many mis-hires? Your managers? Your interview skills? Not at all: your hiring method fails you. If you screen candidates based largely on their resumes, conduct several short interviews and call references provided by the candidate, you are lacking the critical information you need to avoid costly hiring mistakes. problem: inaccurate and incomplete resumes Problem: Inaccurate & Incomplete Resumes Your inbox is flooded with resumes from candidates who are naturally selling themselves and putting their best foot forward – which can lead to unwanted surprises later in the hiring process, or worse, a costly mis-hire. Ability tests and your essential “knock out” questions are effective. But relying on AI and personality tests to strengthen your hiring process may do more harm than good – these have shown to eliminate as many high performers as they do low performers. There is a ton of information about how to write an attractive resume, “ace” common personality tests, and give the “right” answers to interview questions, leaving you unsure as to what important insights you’re missing. You have to conduct dozens of phone screen interviews to eliminate the obviously poor candidates and hopefully invite the best to be interviewed further. solution: accurate relevant information Solution: Accurate, Relevant Information The Topgrading method assures openness and transparency, and screens in the best applicants from the outset. This is a simple technique that will ensure you start your hiring process on the right foot. Inform applicants at the beginning of the process that a final step in hiring is for them to arrange reference calls with managers they reported to. High performers are happy to arrange those calls, usually when a job offer is on the table. As a bonus, there is no phone tag. This sets the tone for applicants:
  • They’ll see that your company’s hiring approach is disciplined, rigorous, and professional.
  • Low performers drop out; they realize early on that they won’t make the cut and take themselves out of contention.
  • High performing applicants recognize that they’ll shine and appreciate the opportunity to distinguish themselves.
problem: short, shallow interviews Problem: Short, Shallow Interviews Typical interviews that address only a handful of key competencies are not accurate predictors of success. Not enough information is gathered during the interview – especially if the candidate is asked to, “Tell us about yourself” or “Describe a mistake and how you overcame it.” Both are common questions that have proven to be poor determinants of a candidate’s true potential. solution: thorough accurate revealing interviews Solution: Thorough, Accurate, Revealing Interviews In Topgrading’s detailed, chronological interviews, every question you ask surfaces the most meaningful aspects of a person’s background, revealing patterns of performance and behaviors. These questions are carefully sequenced, tightly structured, and aimed squarely at topics with the richest information payload so that you can collect enough of the right data to determine if the candidate is a good fit for the job and the job is a good fit for the candidate. In a chronological interview, you gradually piece together a coherent picture of what the candidate has done in the past, probing for evidence of high performer attributes the person will carry into the new role. Topgrading interviews are designed to capture hard evidence of the candidate’s achievements and capabilities so you can tell which candidate is the most qualified and best fit for the job. problem: weak verification Problem: Weak Verification Many people have given up on reference checking because they do not yield results. Candidate-provided references tend to be biased and do not typically include the candidate’s recent managers. You will likely get a glowing general endorsement or a polite decline due to company policy. But this step is critical in hiring high performers – don’t give up! solution: candidate arranged reference calls Solution: Candidate-Arranged Reference Calls When a high performer is asked to arrange reference calls they will be happy to do so. Low performers will quietly drop out of the running – leaving you with a list of candidates who are willing to arrange calls with their managers and ready to move ahead in the hiring process. Candidate-arranged reference calls allow you to decide whom to talk to and will confirm or counter your conclusions about the strengths and weaker points a candidate presented during their interviews. This is designed to confirm your decision to offer a job and to avoid unwanted surprises later.   Problem: Ineffective Applicant Screening Tools Ability and Knowledge tests are effective, but bots and personality tests can eliminate as many A Players as C Players. Google How to “Pass” the test you’re administering, and you’ll see that job seekers can learn how to game the test. solution prescreen snapshot   Solution: PreScreen Snapshot The PreScreen Snapshot is easy to administer and easy for applicants to complete (it only takes about eight minutes) and it produces, among other things, very accurate estimates of how the applicants’ managers would rate their performance – one of the most useful pieces of information in hiring high performers.   jack welch quote Get in touch – we’re here to help Call us at 847-244-5544 with any questions. In a call with you, we can:
  • Discuss your current hiring process and understand your needs
  • Explain how you can quickly and easily save time screening applicants and improve hiring results
  • Suggest options for how you can smoothly roll out a Topgrading implementation plan for your organization
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Improve your hiring success by decreasing your number of bad hires with Topgrading. Our proven hiring process will transform your selection methodology so that you get better hiring results.  Our leadership and candidate assessment tools will help you assess, hire, retain, and grow outstanding team members. Contact us to learn more!

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