Inc. Magazine's Advice to Interviewers
Interviews Nov 18, 2016 12:00:00 AM Not Real %
Inc. Magazine recently featured an article that lists
11 “to dos” when interviewing job candidates. Having interviewed around 6,500 candidates for executive jobs throughout my career, it’s easy for me to critique their advice. After reading the article, I feel that I agree with 9 out of the 11 bits of advice but disagree with two: “Conduct group OR individual interviews,” “Have a conversation rather than Q & A.”
1. “Conduct group or individual interviews.” Group interviews too often are a pile on with interviewers posing “gotcha” questions. That’s okay if the job is indicative of that type of workplace scenario – for example, a trial lawyer. However, that is not the case in most circumstances. Individual interviews are the most common, tried and true method. But what if there was an even better, more proven approach? We think there is: The Tandem (2 interviewer) Topgrading Interview. The
Topgrading Interview is a chronological interview covering, among other things, 10 basic questions about every job – including successes, failures, key decisions, key relationships, boss strengths/weaker points, results with talent, and how the boss would rate you. However, utilizing this questioning method, is good, but can be great with the tandem interview. As an example, General Electric had improved hiring success from 25% to 50% with this method, but lacked one key essential part. While GE was the most valuable company in the world under Jack Welch as CEO, Jack knew they could do better at hiring. Jack asked me how they could get above 50%, and I immediately recommended the tandem interview. Once he implemented it, GE went to over 90% HIGH performers, hired and promoted.
2. “Have a conversation, not Q & A.” The Tandem Topgrading Interview does both. ALL the questions are obviously asked, BUT throughout the interview the follow up questions are what make it a real conversation. The chronological interview reveals PATTERNS across successes and failures, and learning how the acorn grew into the oak tree enables you, the interviewers, to gain deep insights into ALL competencies that costly mis-hires become a thing of the past.
Topgrading’s proven hiring method has been successful for years with top companies. Include your name in that list by
visiting our website and finding out what Topgrading is all about. You can also
download a free copy of our eGuide to learn how to avoid costly mis-hires. Let Topgrading show you how to build a foundation of solid