Topgrading Is Most Crucial in a Sluggish Economy
A Players Hiring Methods Sep 9, 2013 12:00:00 AM Topgrading Team %
During the past 40 years I've observed talent management practices in up markets and down markets, and have concluded two important points I'll discuss in this issue:
- Almost all companies talk a good talent game, but most admit they over hire and tolerate mediocre talent in up markets; and
- A down or sluggish economy is the best time to Topgrade, because mediocre talent drags struggling companies down, down, down ... AND there is more talent available at lower comp levels.
- More talent is available at lower compensation levels. This happens in every economic downturn — more people are out looking for jobs, A Players can be attracted more easily, and you have the luxury of being able to get better talent, cheaper. A client is recruiting a head of Human Resources, and despite the fact that their business is down, they have more — and better — candidates than they did before the 2008 downturn. Hiring is all about supply and demand, and when supply of talent is up (businesses folding or laying off people), and demand is down (most businesses not hiring), talent is cheaper to hire. When the economy improves, be sure not to underpay your people or A Players will go to greener pastures!
- Underperformers expect to be let go. If two out of 10 sales reps account for 80% of sales, and your business is barely profitable, the two or three lowest performing sales reps will not be surprised to receive a pink slip. You're running a business, not a social service organization, so do what is right for the business. Following Topgrading methods, be sure you have Job Scorecards with measurable goals and accountabilities. When people fail to perform as well as they committed to perform, they generally quit before being fired.
- Talent is an investment, not a cost (despite what accountants say). Only Topgraders really believe this. Most managers hire 25% high performers, 50% "so-so" performers, and 25% lousy performers, so 75% of the people they spend money hiring turn out to be disappointments. But Topgraders achieving 75% or even 90% hiring success experience sky-high ROI when they hire.
- Sales is the most important area to Topgrade in a downturn. Two well-known companies who implemented Topgrading programs (based on the 2008 release Topgrading for Sales) told me they have replaced mediocre reps with top producers and those companies are not even lowering their sales targets for the year!
- Our online Topgrading hiring tools make it simpler and easier than ever to Topgrade. I know, it’s a bit tacky to insert a sales pitch, but our online hiring tools can help anyone literally hire better this week. I've outlined below a one-week Topgrading success scenario.
- Monday: All 50 candidates receive an email asking them to complete the online Topgrading Career History Form (with the “truth serum”).
- By Wednesday: 30 completed it (and 20 poor candidates dropped out because the truth serum made them realize their deceptive resumes would be discovered – good!); and when they pushed Submit …
- Wednesday: You instantly got the Topgrading Snapshot, a “picture” of their career with full comp history and accurate performance ratings by all bosses, so …
- Wednesday: You scan the 20 Snapshots and cut the pile to four candidates who look really promising, so …
- Wednesday: You call the four and screen them on the phone, and invite the best candidate to come in Thursday afternoon. Then you …
- Thursday: Select to print the Topgrading Interview Guide pre-populated with 100% of the detailed information the candidate supplied when completing the Career History Form; then you and a tandem interviewer conduct the Topgrading Interview; and at the end of the interview, you ask the candidate to arrange reference calls with former bosses. Those calls are arranged by the weekend.
- By next Monday: You’ve talked with all the former bosses and others, in reference calls arranged by the candidate, so you …
- Hire an A Player.